Wow, it's December 1st. How time just goes by...It's 18 degrees this morning right now in Deer Park. Tyson and Bennet have their last basketball game this morning. They should be going to the exhibition game at the high school because their team, the Bears, are undefeated. They choose the 2 best teams to play at halftime at the high school boys varsity basketball game. They've had lots of fun. Tyson, Bennet, Mikal, Tyrel, and Samuel Palmer are all on the same team...quite the rowdy crowd. Hope they all grow up together and help each other out in life.
Jeannine, Brooke, and Jovee are going to the Disney on Ice Princess Wishes today. Girls afternoon out on the town. Should be fun for them.
Yesterday morning I decided to go in work a little bit later than usual. I've been working a lot this week, coming home late. We try to eat dinner together because it's good family time but work's been busy. So I took Tyson, Brooke, and Bennet to Rosauers before I dropped them off at school. We all got donuts, sausage links, and bacon and sat at the cafe inside of Rosauer's (a grocery store) and had a good little bonding moment. They all enjoyed it and so did I. If I'm not too packed for work I'd like to make it a "donuts with Dad" Friday. They all smiled big when I asked if they'd like to make that a tradition.
Wednesday evening I saw an old man on a bicycle get hit by a car. He was not hurt but his bicycle was thrashed and all of his belongings were all on top of him in the middle of the lane where he got hit. Four other people, including the man that hit him, and I got out to help him up. He was a transient, didn't have a particular place to go. We all asked if he needed to call anyone or if we could get him to where he was going but he had no where to go. It was a sad moment because he didn't have anywhere he could go to or anyone that he knew of that could come get him...he just mentioned since his bike is thrashed that he'd have to stay at a hotel. After the firefighters came and checked him out and all was well with him physically, I got in my van and drove away. I started immediately to cry...I don't know why...but I cried a lot. I think it was just thankful for having very good friends and family and having people that I could go to at any time to help me. I was thankful to be alive. When you get into a potential life ending situation or see a potential life ending situation it definitely makes you stop and count your many blessings.
Now that it is closer I'm starting to get nervous and anxious again for the results of Jovee's MIBG scan. The actual scan is on the 6th, with preparations on the 5th. So we'll hopefully have results on Friday the 7th. The waiting period....There is really no cure for neuroblastoma. If there was, she'd be cured after a year now. I have absolutely no control of the cancer, no control to spread it, no control to make it disappear. The doctors, medicine, and science have no control. So who's in control? I'm again begging, petitioning with fervent prayer that God, who is in control, grants the desires of my heart to make the cancer go away RIGHT NOW, to make the 2 bright spots that showed up last time be nothing and that the other little tumor continues to shrink. That's what I want and the only thing I want as an early Christmas present. Speaking of is a gift, that's why it is called the present. I liked that quote.
Happy December 1st!