I think I'll be more sensitive to the Ronald McDonald House Charity funds since we're going to be receipients of the Ronald McDonald house in the near future. It's pretty amazing. The cost is $23.00 a day to stay in a motel like room or if you can't afford it, you don't have to pay at all. The entire RM house has a huge communal kitchen, internet library, an awesome movie theater, ping pong tables, etc...lots of stuff to keep one busy. It's amazing how the RM house is ran, mostly by charitable donations and charitable volunteers.
A quick drive back home from Seattle. Guess I better get used to the drive because we'll be going back and forth a lot.
So far, I'm pretty impressed with Seattle Children's, as far as communcation. It doesn't take them that long to get back to me when I've left messages. Prompt communication is very, very important. Sacred Heart is slower.
Last night while Jeannine was putting Jovee to sleep at the hotel, Jeannine sang to Jovee the lullaby "Lay down on your bed, pull your blanket high....", it was cute to hear Jovee singing back to Jeannine. Just one of those precious moments that makes a parent smile.
With not knowing the outcome of all the chemo, radiaiton, surgeries, etc....and Jovee's future, the precious moments are very precious. It's pretty cheesy to think of all the quotes like "enjoy every moment" or "live life to the fullest" or "if tomorrow never comes", etc....or whatever....but when you're going through a trial like what we're going thru, you really appreciate life, every little moment, every precious little moment.
I love Jovee's bald head. I hope someday to be able to brush and blow dry her long hair, like Brooke's. Brooke loves to color. I keep telling her she's the best 5 1/2 year old girl colorer in Deer Park and she lights up and believes me. The power of praise! It works. Praise people all the time.
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