Tried to go a different way to Tyson's school but got way, way lost. It's a busy city. We've been eating at the China Village, a decent not too overly priced Chinese Restaurant. Their 10 ingredients Lo Mein and House Fried Rice Special is good. Tyson, Brooke, and Bennet really like egg rolls but we seem to find that the egg rolls at Chinese restaurants don't taste that good at all. They're all vegetables and no meat. Got to have meat inside the egg rolls.
Tyson and Bennet's new thing at McDonalds is the double cheeseburger. They were doing just regular cheeseburgers but for only 10 cents more you get another patty and they get full after that one burger. Richie told me about the poor man's Big Mac, that's order the double cheeseburger with Big Mac sauce; you miss the lettuce but for the money, that's pretty good.
Took the kids to the Mariners vs. Twins baseball game today. We got there at the top of the 7th inning. Three innings is pretty good for kids. It was a decent game. At the bottom of the 8th, I got a foul ball. I reached my hand out to try to catch it but I barely missed the ball but it landed in the seat right in front of me without bouncing at all. I swiftly grabbed the ball and raised my hand in the air and got lots of claps from the fans. The fans might have thought that I actually caught it. It was pretty cool.
I put doubting Thomas because I've lost faith at times, doubting the reality of God. Anyone would be mentally not there if they doubt God going through what we're going through with Jovee.
Dr. Waldhausen said Jovee would probably be in ICU for about 10 days because of the surgery. She got out of ICU yesterday at 3:00 pm, only 2 days after she got out of surgery at 4:00 pm on the 16th. Amazing. Also, the breathing tubes coming out of her mouth was pulled out because she was breathing well on her own.
Today, about 6:00 pm, the 19th of April, one of the tubes coming out of her chest area (used to drain excess fluid around her heart that is caused because of surgery) was pulled out of her. There was minimal fluid there so the doctors said she doesn't need it. The 2nd tube is going to probably be pulled out tomorrow or Saturday. I don't know exactly what that tube is for but I'll ask tomorrow.
Anyways, she still has lots of pain and is still heavily Morphined but still...over all she's doing so well. It hurts to see and hear her say, "Owie, owie". But we just try to love her, put our hands on her face, and just love her to death.
The picture of Jeannine and Jovee is the morning of the surgery, on Monday the 11th. The other two pictures of 2 days and 3 days after surgery.
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