Our email is : jtylim@yahoo.com
If anyone wants to drop a line, please do.
So Jeannine was sitting here in the room playing Solitaire on the laptop and the nurse comes in and says, "We have to talk..." Upset sinking stomache feeling....
Jovee somehow contracted yeast infection in her blood; we knew that a couple of days ago, but it had got into her central line, in the red one (there's a red and white line). The central line, or Hickman line, is a tube that goes into the chest and directly into one of the major blood vessels. See pics above.
So because she doesn't have an immune system to fight off any disease or bacteria, we're pretty worried. Well, we're really really worried. How in the world did this happen?
Doctors had to immediately schedule a surgery to remove the line and immediately did so this evening at 5:00 pm. So now she doesn't have a central line but 2 IV lines, one on her right hand and one on her left foot. Instead of using the central line to give medicine, all the meds have to go through the IV lines and all blood draws, also. Jeannine just had to break down in front of the doctor because it's just another small obstacle that might cause her pain. I don't know...just don't know...she's had so much diarrhea today, she's been drugged up with a ton of antibiotics, she's got a lot of doses of morphine just to make her not be in pain...........all for her good and to help her heal faster. And she's supposed to be more sick than this, with mucositis, between days 7 and 10. Today is considered day 1...they count stem cell transplant days as day 0, today day 1, tomorrow day 2, etc...So day 7 starts Friday. I don't know how much more sick and how much more drugs I can handle. But Jovee is handling it the best she can so Jeannine and I have to be strong. Yes, I had a break down period yesterday and Jeannine had a breakdown period today. It's OK to break down, right...
The boys and I got to go fishing on Lake Washington today with a charity group called Cast for Kids. Some Seattle Seahawks players were there, most no name guys. Only 2 of them I was familiar with, Lofa Tatupu and Deion Branch. It was a nice, sunny day. Bennet caught 3 perch, Tyson 2 perch, and I got 2 perch. One of the bass pro fishermen was on our pontoon boat and he let Bennet reel in a 3 pound bass. The boys had a lot of fun fishing. Can't wait to get back to Loon Lake once all this is done for some silver night fishing. Fishing was a good get away today until I got the news from Jeannine that Jovee's line was infected and had to be removed.
Brooke got to go to the Woodland Zoo with Todd and Melinda Weger and their daughter Riley, awesome friends of ours from Deer Park. She got to feed the giraffe some leaves and twigs so it was a fun day for her also.
nice blog
There are many fasting and praying for Jovee here in her home of Deer Park. We love her and all of the Lims so very much! We have seen many miracles and look forward to a few more for Jovee till she's through this. We went fishing today as well, on Fan Lake, about 1/1000th the size of Lake Washington. We talked about Jovee. The mosquitoes ate us alive! We also look forward to having the Lims back, catching silvers on Loon Lake and playing with Jovee and the others. Breaking down is okay. Just keep coming back with faith.
The Nelson Family
We just wanted you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Even Kaley remembers "Jobee" in her prayers. You are not breaking down alone, we read your entries to our family every day and rarely have a dry eye. We love and miss you so much. Keep the faith guys, Thankfully, the scriptures say "it came to pass" instead of "it came to stay". We love you! Doug and Jeannine
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