Monday, February 11, 2008


From 2/8/08
MIBG Findings: There is persistent focal MIBG accumulation in the upper mediastinum, however the intensity is decreased compared to the most recent MIBG Study. The left supraclavicular focus has resolved. No other abnormal MIBG localization is seen.

Impression: 1. Overall improved MIBG Study 2. Persisistent foca upper mediastinal focus of MIBG accumulation which appears somewhat decreased in intensity.

From 2/7/08
CT of the neck: Stable appearance compared to 11/6/07
CT of Chest/Abdomen/Pelvis: A mildly enlarged left paratracheal lymph node is grossly stable since the comparison of 11/6/07. Otherwise negative contrast enhancd chest, abdomen, and pelvis CT Scan. There has been no change snce the comparison.

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