Resilient kids...most of them are. I saw her twice yesterday. The first time was in the morning. She responded to my finger when I put it in her palm. She grabbed it and held on. That was nice. She had been inactive since Tuesdays surgery. I was jealous because Jeannine visited her around lunch time and she said Shyanne opened her eyes for her.
We visited her again in the evening with Bennet, Brooke, and Jovee. They're all so excited about their baby sister. They really, really love her. Bennet got emotional and cried because he's worried about her. Brooke and Jovee are very proud of her. Lots of lov'in helped Jovee recover from her neuroblastoma surgery and lots of lov'in will help Shyanne recover fast also. This time the love will be magnified because we're here in Spokane with close family and friends whereas Jovee's surgery was in Seattle.
One of the companies that I make and install signs for gave the kids a goodies bag that consisted of Pez, popcorn balls, and SpongeBob Cheez-It's. That was really nice. All the agents also pitched in to give us a very generous gift card to Fred Meyers and Wandermere Village Cinemas. So very uplifting to see the kindness of people.
The Clayton Ward, like always, was just awesome. So many ladies brought over frozen dinners, food, desserts that should last us at least 2 weeks. Just amazing.
The doctors did some tests on Shyanne's chromosomes and genes. Waiting for results, probably Monday.
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