Jovee was sick Saturday morning and afternoon. She was just really lethargic, didn’t want to do anything, wasn’t the spicy Jovee that we know. She perked up in the evening though. We thought that if she was going to continue to be sick that the biopsy would have had to be postponed. She felt normal and well yesterday and this morning, although a little hard from having to fast, but overall she’s healthy. On Saturday night when she felt better, we went out to eat with the kids. Was a good dine out; we went over proper dinner table etiquette; no elbows on the table, asking please pass the whatever, excused from the table, napkin in laps. Who came up with all these rules anyways? We’ve never really taught them the etiquette thing but it seem to stick because this morning Tyson, Brooke, and Bennet all remembered them while eating breakfast.
Yesterday was a good family bonding Sunday. Just had the family over and had a nice pot luck and sat around and chit chatted and all the cousins played together. It’s always nice to hang out with family. It’s good that we all get along. Jovee definitely loves to be around family, I know that it brightens her spirit when she’s around her grandma and grandpa, uncles, aunts, and cousins.
I know that as parents we’re not supposed to compare our children but…Tyson had a small sliver on his toe, like really super small, that we had to try to squeeze and get out. He whined over this small sliver. Man, my boys are wimps compared to by girls. Brooke has a pretty high pain tolerance and Jovee is a tank. Said to Tyson, “Jovee’s going to get three long needles for biopsies and one (hopefully just one) for IV today. Just quit complaining.”
So far this rainy morning we’re trying to distract Jovee from thinking about her chocolate Pediasure. She has to fast 8 hours before the biopsy and nothing 2 hours before. She’s asked for her Pediasure many times this morning. That’s her only staple that she consistently takes so it is hard for her. She doesn’t eat or drink too much of anything else.
The plan today is check in at 11:30 am. They’re going to give her anesthesia to put her out, then poke her to get the IV started. Hopefully again they’ll find a good cooperating vein on the first try. At 1:00 pm, the bone and bone marrow biopsy followed by the liver biopsy. Most likely have to wait til tomorrow to get the results.
Jeannine and I are preparing for the spot on the liver to be neuroblastoma because of the wording on the finding of the CT Scan, “suspicious of metastasis”. But again, the little bit of hope that we have hangs on the fact that the spot did not show up / lighted up / enhanced on the MiBg. Our prayer is that it isn't neuroblastoma on the liver and also that if it is that we'll be at peace with it. We'll be anxiously waiting for the results.
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