Friday, April 11, 2008

OK, decent but still questionable

Finally able to talk to Dr. F. Her assistant says she sees about 35 patients a day. Given 30 minutes, that's 17.5 hours of work a day. Not possible. She's completely swamped. When we have time to spend with her and it's not zoo crazy, it's nice.

So she says that the only way to get 100% clarity is after the biopsy on Monday. It's going to be a biopsy of the liver, bone and bone marrow. She just said that the MiBg says there is lesion in the liver showing up on the CT scan but NOT lighting up on the MiBg other words, we don't know 100%. Even though it's suspicious of metastasis, we can hope for a miracle and have it be nothing. Please, please, please, please (if it's God's will) let it be nothing and just a fluke. I would be pleasantly surprised.

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